Stuart Paxton


phone: 360.474.1619


Medicare & Life Specialist Licensed in: Washington

Many people are concerned these days with their financial future. Whether it’s protecting and preserving assets or picking the right Medicare plan, they want the peace of mind that comes from knowing they will be covered for whatever life sends their way. Independence, not being a burden on family, these are the things that buying insurance pays for; a SECURE FUTURE. Whether it’s Life or Medicare (or a combination), finding the best value is what I will find for you. For 15 years I’ve helped hundreds of clients navigate this sometimes confusing world. I’ve chosen to specialize in these areas because I’ve seen the results of careful planning in my family. “Medicaid will cover me if something happens”…famous last words? Should we assume that our Federal and State safety net will be there 20/30 years from now when something wipes out our life’s savings? Who knows. Buying insurance is a private thing. It has to meet a need and it has to be affordable.

I’d welcome the chance to act as your guide. I will listen, be a sounding board and I promise to only make suggestions and recommendations that I believe will be in your best interest.