Phyllis Shelton


President | Got LTCi

O: 615.590.0300 | C: 615.406.3908


LTCi Specialist- Licensed In- All 50 States

Phyllis Shelton is President of Got LTCi. She is formerly the President of LTC Consultants, a Nashville-based company that she founded in 1991 specializing in long-term care insurance sales training, consumer education and marketing materials.  Phyllis’ organization has trained nearly 80,000 agents via live or web-based training and her company has conducted training programs for many of the top LTCI insurance carriers. Her business model has included assisting states with an educational outreach about the Long-Term Care Partnership, a program that shelters assets from Medicaid spend down equal to the benefits paid by Partnership long-term care insurance policies. Her newest outreach is to provide options to pay for long-term care that are available regardless of a person’s health. She also helps people protect their retirement savings from market risk and develop a guaranteed lifetime income as she explains in Forbes.

She may be best known for spearheading the employee education effort for the introduction of the Federal Long-Term Care Insurance program by providing 2,020 employee education meetings in 43 states and 210 cities in 4 1/2 months. Her firm provided the employee education for the group LTCi plan for the State of Tennessee’s 140,000 employees in addition to conducting various worksite LTCi enrollments with double digit enrollments. Phyllis Shelton’s LTCI Worksite TOOLBOX cracks the code on how to engage younger employees in the long-term care planning process, and The ABC’s of Long-Term Care Insurance makes LTC insurance so simple a child can understand it.

Phyllis was featured as the cover story for Life Insurance Selling, shortly followed by an interview in Retirement Advisor. She  was profiled in Senior Market Advisor’s charter group of the top ten professionals in the long-term care insurance industry nationally and has spoken to literally every major industry group including the Million Dollar Round Table four times since 1992. She received the distinguished LIFE Foundation Client Service Award and her full page client story was featured in Newsweek magazine. She appeared in The Balancing Act, Lifetime Network’s early morning show for women, to emphasize the impact of long-term care on women. She appeared in Seeking Solutions with Suzanne, a Philadelphia based syndicated television show featuring Suzanne Roberts, wife of Ralph Roberts, founder of Comcast.

She has been featured extensively in the Wall St. Journal and appeared in a two-hour PBS documentary on caregiving. She has presented on Wall St. as well as CNNfn and National Public Radio. She is a consumer reference for such publications as Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Magazineand her interviews include USA Today, Business Week, Consumer Reports, Money, Smart Money, Bloomberg Wealth Manager and National Public Radio. Her book, LONG-TERM CARE: Your Financial Planning Guide became an industry textbook.

Her latest book, Protecting Your Family with Long-Term Care Insurance provides cutting edge information about all phases of financing long-term care with a focus on why employers must lead, not follow, on contributing to the national discussion on planning for LTC. Suze Orman says “Long-term care insurance for many is the most important insurance you can buy if you can afford it. Phyllis Shelton is the only person I trust to keep me up to date on what I need to know. Read this book.” You can also see Phyllis recommended by Suze in the Oprah magazine and online newsletter.

Ms. Shelton sees Medicaid as the greatest threat to the American economy. She speaks nationally on the role of long-term care insurance as part of the private sector’s solution by making Medicaid payer of last resort for long-term care, which will save jobs by rescuing state budgets and keep families together by providing caregivers when most needed.

Phyllis’ passion for the long-term care industry is unparalleled. Her motivational message has been delivered to over 8,000,000 Americans.