Bill & Susan Hall


Bill’s Phone– 719-210-6324

Susan’s Phone – 719-579-9911


LTCI Specialists- Licensed in: AZ, CO, MI, MN, MO, WI

Bill’s career in sales, finance and insurance at IBM combined with Susan’s health care knowledge, provides a unique combination of experience to help clients determine if long term care protection makes sense and if so what company would provide the best solution.

 Since each major insurance company has specialized underwriting requirements as well as different benefits and pricing we shop them all to determine the best company at the best rate.

 We specialize in Traditional Long Term Care Insurance as well as Hybrid Long Term Care Plans and have assisted clients throughout the country.

 We are frequent speakers at Long Term Care planning events and have attended on- going educational programs for years.

 We enjoy golfing, hiking, swimming, travel and are blessed to have two energetic grandsons within three miles of our home.